was called by the bank today. We talked a part of how we would proceed. It was not so fun. See clearly that we have major challenges ahead before we can even think about starting. Apparently, no Swedish bank pledging a foreign residence. Then we must contact the bank in the respective land. which means that we need to get good contacts.
To obtain loans to start an own federation also will be problems when the bank requires a very well thought out business plan where you can clearly demonstrate that there is a demand and that it should provide a good revenue. This will be a problem when we have no plans to serve some larger sums. hmm, Are we foolish mistaking?
Apparently, we need to have many and good sponsors. of equipment manufacturers, construction companies, tour operators, other surf camps and more.
One thougt is to maby get in contact with another surf firm at location to provide us with start help. Ex we go in with money and they will be the "Mother Company" What will they request from us?
fredag 13 februari 2009
torsdag 12 februari 2009
bank Visit
on Tuesday, I was in the bank. had booked the private advicement and managed to bring down my mortgage loans from 5.1% to 3.15% variable. so that there is no trouble when I will sell the appartment. are quite happy with the result of the meeting.
After this I precented, she was very impressed and self-interested to come. but she could not help and forwarded me to the company's devision which I have now contacted and we will look through our plans. continuation follows ...
After this I precented, she was very impressed and self-interested to come. but she could not help and forwarded me to the company's devision which I have now contacted and we will look through our plans. continuation follows ...
söndag 8 februari 2009
Snow kite
Today was my first time ever to test snow kitning.
It had been snowing all night aprox 25cm new snow. and the forcast was that the wind should start from 13.00 5m/s - 10 m/s well took my car out to the mälaren 1300
the wind was ZERO.. after 10 min another guy came allso with kite gear. We talked and then a man from the local wind surfercenter came.. hi wonderd if we could help him install the new webcam wethercenter. and since the wind was =0 we said okej.
Well upp on the roofe it took some time to install the camera and calibrate it. Sudenly minutes the wind increased from 0 to 5 m/s within 10 min I could just imagine my kite blowing away.. and started running. 15 meters from it it blow away ofcourse. but did catch it after a short run..
After I straigten the lines it was just to launch.. It was a fantasic session. I run for ca 2h until my snowboard bindings broke. But was pritty cold at this time so it was okej to stop.
I miss wather..
It had been snowing all night aprox 25cm new snow. and the forcast was that the wind should start from 13.00 5m/s - 10 m/s well took my car out to the mälaren 1300
the wind was ZERO.. after 10 min another guy came allso with kite gear. We talked and then a man from the local wind surfercenter came.. hi wonderd if we could help him install the new webcam wethercenter. and since the wind was =0 we said okej.
Well upp on the roofe it took some time to install the camera and calibrate it. Sudenly minutes the wind increased from 0 to 5 m/s within 10 min I could just imagine my kite blowing away.. and started running. 15 meters from it it blow away ofcourse. but did catch it after a short run..
After I straigten the lines it was just to launch.. It was a fantasic session. I run for ca 2h until my snowboard bindings broke. But was pritty cold at this time so it was okej to stop.
I miss wather..
Continue working
Last week I received yet another mail for a helpful man in Stockholm. My guess is that hi din´t like my logo drawings because he offerd him self to make som suggestions in Adobe that he was familiar with.. Great Thanks alot. I Think my message is spreading.. Because more and more people are willing to help.. and I´m realy greateful.
Today I allso received som contact from som maby furture partners.. They had a lot to to.. because of the winter season. but was intressted to expand theire partner "flora" So we said that we shall return when we know our plan and what we realy want from them.
I have made a contact list over all people whom I contact or contact me... Allways good to have it written down.
I allso sent an e-mail to the Marocco embassy toda. to learn what our challenges are to get this type of operation started
Today I allso received som contact from som maby furture partners.. They had a lot to to.. because of the winter season. but was intressted to expand theire partner "flora" So we said that we shall return when we know our plan and what we realy want from them.
I have made a contact list over all people whom I contact or contact me... Allways good to have it written down.
I allso sent an e-mail to the Marocco embassy toda. to learn what our challenges are to get this type of operation started
fredag 6 februari 2009
searching for places
Searching the net.. and its realy difficult to find a place near the beach for sale specialy when your budget is limited. However I did find some intresting places
In Tetouan, ancienne mé
200 m² of habitable surface (2153 sqFt)
64 m² of land (689 sqFt)
12 rooms
4 bedrooms
good structural condition
But its 1 h car driving to the asilah side and the Atlantic ocean site.
Howerever this is a sheep place to maby start the project and maby if everything smothe on we can buy a new place after an year or two to expand..
I have made a calculation for the bank on thuesday..
The numbers for brake even are 50 people staying for 2. with a loan of 900K
No money will be earnd and everyone wil be happy..
900 000 3.15 %rent monthly pay = 8000 (realistic numbers taken from banks webpage)
then add aproxemently 6500 in other cost for living. total 14500 every month
cost 175000 every year.
175 000/14(days of visit)/(250 room rent cost a day inc. food?) =50 people a year.. possible?
guest cost two weeks
250x14=3500 living cost. flight ticket from 3000 a total of 6500.-
just to compare with hotelprice 95€/night.
However if people realy find this place worth visiting and we fully book all the 8 beds.. we will be able to bring down the cost as low as 150.- per night.. total of 2100 for two weeks..
If we are able start a surfshop and or can give som courses then maby we can even have lover living prices...
In Tetouan, ancienne mé

200 m² of habitable surface (2153 sqFt)
64 m² of land (689 sqFt)
12 rooms
4 bedrooms
good structural condition
But its 1 h car driving to the asilah side and the Atlantic ocean site.
Howerever this is a sheep place to maby start the project and maby if everything smothe on we can buy a new place after an year or two to expand..
I have made a calculation for the bank on thuesday..
The numbers for brake even are 50 people staying for 2. with a loan of 900K
No money will be earnd and everyone wil be happy..
900 000 3.15 %rent monthly pay = 8000 (realistic numbers taken from banks webpage)
then add aproxemently 6500 in other cost for living. total 14500 every month
cost 175000 every year.
175 000/14(days of visit)/(250 room rent cost a day inc. food?) =50 people a year.. possible?
guest cost two weeks
250x14=3500 living cost. flight ticket from 3000 a total of 6500.-
just to compare with hotelprice 95€/night.
However if people realy find this place worth visiting and we fully book all the 8 beds.. we will be able to bring down the cost as low as 150.- per night.. total of 2100 for two weeks..
If we are able start a surfshop and or can give som courses then maby we can even have lover living prices...
the project is taking shape.
torsdag 5 februari 2009
This makes my project so much more fun ..
Today when working at my current job as purchaser.. makes some POs and Send out som complains for late delivery when I suddently receive an sms:
Hallo just want to say: "surf reservat" sounds like a real good idea. had the simmular idea around it. so it was really fun at read that someone would implement it. I´m with you and the idea.
Best regards Martin
Thank you Martin! Like I wrote add surfreservat2010@live.se on msn or skype. Contacts are the key to success.
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