söndag 8 februari 2009

Snow kite

Today was my first time ever to test snow kitning.

It had been snowing all night aprox 25cm new snow. and the forcast was that the wind should start from 13.00 5m/s - 10 m/s well took my car out to the mälaren 1300
the wind was ZERO.. after 10 min another guy came allso with kite gear. We talked and then a man from the local wind surfercenter came.. hi wonderd if we could help him install the new webcam wethercenter. and since the wind was =0 we said okej.

Well upp on the roofe it took some time to install the camera and calibrate it. Sudenly minutes the wind increased from 0 to 5 m/s within 10 min I could just imagine my kite blowing away.. and started running. 15 meters from it it blow away ofcourse. but did catch it after a short run..

After I straigten the lines it was just to launch.. It was a fantasic session. I run for ca 2h until my snowboard bindings broke. But was pritty cold at this time so it was okej to stop.

I miss wather..

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