Saturday I started a community on Facebook .. just to see if this will only be yet another dream. But the interest was greater than I ever dreamed of in 24h about 60 people had joined the group.
Today I received signal .. I will probebly lose my job within 3 /4 2009. Pretty Claire signal if you ask me .. One problem the though .. Money .. sience I have recently came from China I miss 8000 SEK in unpaied bills .. Well it´s only money ..
With a quick callculation This is what I have ..
Shortly before the sale
2 cars = 30 000
couch 8000
dinner table and chair 3000
bed 5000
stereo and TV 3000
Wii games 1500
bike 500
bar table 1500
art 1000
snake 500
old kite gear in 1500
snowboard 500
8 winter tires 2000
borrow money from mom in 5000?
Apartment 475 000 -460 000 loan + 21000 tax = 36000
unpaied bill -8000
Total = 91 000 SEK
Not much money but maby I can get that from Svedish government? Or what you say Fredrik Rainfelt? It doen´t look verry good now. But let the Project "Surf reserves in 2010" start
tisdag 3 februari 2009
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