fredag 13 februari 2009


was called by the bank today. We talked a part of how we would proceed. It was not so fun. See clearly that we have major challenges ahead before we can even think about starting. Apparently, no Swedish bank pledging a foreign residence. Then we must contact the bank in the respective land. which means that we need to get good contacts.
To obtain loans to start an own federation also will be problems when the bank requires a very well thought out business plan where you can clearly demonstrate that there is a demand and that it should provide a good revenue. This will be a problem when we have no plans to serve some larger sums. hmm, Are we foolish mistaking?

Apparently, we need to have many and good sponsors. of equipment manufacturers, construction companies, tour operators, other surf camps and more.

One thougt is to maby get in contact with another surf firm at location to provide us with start help. Ex we go in with money and they will be the "Mother Company" What will they request from us?

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